The Importance of Hiring an Architect to Build a Custom Home

If you plan to build a custom home, you will likely need the assistance of professionals. Even if you are a serious do-it-yourselfer, tackling a major project like a new home can be extremely challenging.

Your home design must be safe and feasible and make good use of available space. It should also incorporate elements that you really want, like specific rooms or styles.

Will there be enough space for the number of bathrooms you will need? Have you included storage space and how to access it? What about how different appliances, features, and spaces will interact? Will heat and humidity from the laundry area make a nearby room uncomfortable?

A good architect will work with you. They will listen to what you want and help you make that happen while optimizing all aspects of your new home. They will find clever and innovative ways to arrange rooms and place appliances and utilities, so you get the most out of your living space.

Cullum Homes architecture and interior design service can help you solve these problems and create the perfect custom-built home. Why should you contact us before your project begins?

  • Architect Services May Be Required by Law
    Some regions may require the services of an architect to meet building codes. Most areas do not require this, but it is more often found in densely populated urban areas. Depending on where you plan to build, this may be a requirement. Make sure you know what and who you need to avoid fines and penalties.
    Working with a seasoned builder who is familiar with your community is tremendously helpful. They will know what is required and can help you find answers or obtain permits.
    This is important information to have whether you are building a new home or changing one you already own. You can also learn how to make epic updates with Cullum Homes renovations. Our team has all the experts you need, including architects.
  • An Architect Offers the Skills You May Not Have
    How much experience do you have designing custom homes? While it's great to have the DIY spirit, you should also be aware of your limitations to avoid costly mistakes. Making small updates or repairs to your home isn't the same as building a whole new structure from the ground up.
    Bringing on an architect will give you access to knowledge and services that make a difference in the finished product. An architect knows how to solve problems. They are creative, innovative people who find solutions that meet their client's needs.
    They bring formal training and education as well as experience that is difficult to get without working in the industry.
    An architect's job is to envision the big picture. They can see all the working parts and the requests of the homeowner. This allows them to create a design that accounts for both, so you get what you want in a home that's fully functional, livable, and sellable if you decide to move later.
  • Maximize the Return on Your Custom Home Investment
    Building a custom home is an investment. Whether you plan to live on the property for several years or the rest of your life, you should take steps to get the most out of it. The structure should be sound and offer a good quality that lasts for decades.
    If you sell later, then you need a home that will have curb appeal. It should be something that buyers will be interested in. The custom home should also be made to last with no cut corners. An architect can look ahead and help you ensure that you maximize the return on your custom home investment. They can recommend design changes that increase property value or share concerns about layout or materials that could negatively impact the finished structure.
  • Architects Understand Building with Your Local Environment
    An architect's job goes beyond the outer walls of the custom-built home. It extends into the local environment.
    Their job also includes factoring in how building and living on the property will impact or be impacted by the surrounding environment. If there are rules or regulations regarding building in the area, they can address these.
    An architect will also figure out how to make the home's interior as comfortable as possible by looking at the world outside. They can determine the best place to put windows and other features to optimize energy-saving potential. Considering the environment will help you lower utility bills and keep rooms more comfortable all year round.
  • Architects Design for Practicality and Visual Appeal
    Building a custom home can be exciting. You may see lots of different styles and designs you like. It may be tempting to incorporate as many of these as possible into your new property. An architect can help you figure out which elements will work best for your home. They will help you enhance visual appeal while making everything fit together well so you don’t have clashing architectural features.
    A professional can also ensure that these visual elements are placed in ways that are practical and won't hinder the use of the home's spaces and facilities. You should also learn more about how to expertly furnish a new custom home so you are ready to go when the project is finished.
  • Cullum Homes is Your One-Stop-Shop for Home Building
    Cullum Homes has all the services and experts you need for a custom home project. You can hire a separate architectural firm to draw up plans for you. However, problems can arise once these are given to the builder, and the builder finds issues that make the plans unusable. Our team includes all the services clients need, from architecture to design and construction. We are your all-in-one contractor, so you never have to go back and forth between your architect and builder to get the job done.

Hire the All-in-One Contractor with Architect Services

Vetting contractors can be a time-consuming process. You must find the right professionals to make sure your custom home project goes smoothly.

Cullum Homes can simplify the vetting process by providing all the services you need under one roof. Our team of experts covers every aspect of building, from creating the plans to construction.

Choosing separate contractors for each service comes with logistical problems. The plans your architect draws up may not work, something you may not know until they are in the hands of your builder. This can lead to big headaches with you stuck in the middle trying to make it work. Since we are your all-in-one contractor, you know you won't run into conflicts. Our architect can consult our builder to ensure that there are no issues with the plans they draw up. Instead of playing go-between for your contractors, you can trust us to get the job done with minimal hassle. Our experts work together so you don’t have to do extra legwork.

When you hire Cullum Homes, you are bringing a major asset to your project. You'll be less likely to deal with frustrating and costly delays. You also know exactly where to go when you have questions without searching your contact list for the right professional. And instead of spending time vetting several contractors, you only have to vet one.

A custom home is a big investment. Let the Cullum Homes team help you get the most out of your investment by minimizing setbacks, delays, and miscommunication. We are your one-stop shop for home building.

Create a Custom Home Design with an Expert

Hiring an architect can make all the difference in your custom home project. A professional understands local requirements and regulations. They work with the environment and will help you incorporate all your must-haves and as many of your would-like-to-haves as possible. 

Architectural services will ensure that your home is functional and comfortable and meets all local building codes. Avoid fines and penalties and get the results you want by contacting Cullum Home before you build.